AboutThe Observatory


A proposal in 2015 for Moffat to obtain Dark Sky Community Status, through what was then the International Darks Sky Association IDA was submitted by our very own Jim Patterson and achieved in 2016 (see more in our Dark Skies page). During the progress of the proposal local meeting were held and this brought together some local astronomy enthusiasts. These meetings and the Dark Sky proposal inspired the creation of Moffat Astronomy Club and proposals for a Community Observatory.   

Building on the successful application for dark sky status of the town. A grant was applied for and approved by the South Of Scotland Electricity Renewables. These grants formed part of the Clyde Wind Farm Moffat Construction Fund for hosting windmills. This initial grant award was enough to begin designing and planning the Observatory. There was a long way to go though and it could not have possible without the commitment of all our Members and the massive support from local volunteers and businesses.

Part of this planning process was selecting the best site to erect the Observatory. Several locations were investigated and considered. Obviously the perfect site would have been up in the Gallow Hills far from any stray light and high enough to avoid any low lying mist which inevitably forms in cold Scottish winter evenings. This though would have left us isolated and difficult to access. When the whole point was to provide access to the night sky and maximise engagement this was quickly ruled out. Instead we did pretty much the opposite. Thanks to a very generous local land owner Robert Smith and his associates we were granted permission to erect the Observatory in his field on the outskirts of the town (see Google Map Link). The site is adjacent to the local school and busy caravan park and easily amenable to all of the towns residents. Despite our proximity to these facilities our site is still dark enough to see those elusive Galaxies and Nebulas.

The Construction Phase

Most of the early construction was accomplished by our own Committee Members, Moffat Astronomy Club Members and other volunteers. 

local land owner Robert Smith also donated materials and provided plant equipment  and made arrangements to raise the Observatory 1 meter off the ground as the low lying field is near a river.

A concrete base was laid on top of the raised ground. Wooden studs laid on the concrete base and the building floor on the studs. The building took some time to erect as it is constructed using individual wooden battens slotted together.

The building itself comprises of 2 cabins joined together. One section would be used for meetings, talks and a sheltered holding area for visitors. The second section houses the main telescope, dome and controls.

Now we had a building to be proud of we needed power and access. This is when the construction company Sir Robert McAlpine (SRM) helped us. As part of their 150th year celebrations they encouraged employees to ask for help for local projects. 

One of our members did so and was awarded a grant for materials and provided with labour and plant to construct a path and access ramp. Thanks also to materials donated by SRM the grant award was enough to build fencing and pay for a solar power set up for the building.

Another local company David White Electrical LTD helped us install the solar power system safely and free of charge. 

How its Going Now

 We officially opened in 2021 and we were lucky enough to have Catherine Heymans (Astronomer Royal For Scotland) do the honours. Now in our third season. We have seen our visitor numbers grow modestly.

We have engaged in an outreach program with the local school to encourage pupils in STEM related subjects. We are also creating relationships with fellow astronomy groups in Scotland.

We have created an extension to our observatory to accommodate more people for future star party events and provide wheelchair user access to a telescope pier. Another mammoth effort from our members with help and donations of plant equipment and materials from Sir Robert McAlpine and Ryders Services of Moffat.     

 Who Are We

 Whist many people helped get the project up and running. The main contributors in the planning, design, construction, maintenance and operation of the Observatory. Are pictured here with Catherine Heymans. From Left to Right.

Stephen Hunter- Maintenance Engineer at Sir Robert McAlpine. Accomplished astronomer and Astro Photographer. Committee Member and Observatory Host.

Catherine Heymans. Astronomer Royal for Scotland.  

Stephen Lay: Retired BBC Archivist. Committee Member and Club Treasurer.

Jim Connechen: Retired NHS Executive Director. Keen interest in astronomy. Committee Chair and Observatory Host.

Jeff Furner: Retired Petroleum Chemist Keen interest in astronomy. Committee Member and Observatory Host

Ian Haddow: Retired IT Specialist Consultant Accomplished astronomer and Astro Photographer. Committee Member and Observatory Host.

Jim Paterson: Retired Lighting Engineer. Expert in Dark Sky planning for the IDA. Committee Member and Observatory Host

Cathy MacDonald: Educational Administrator Committee Member and Club Secretary

Honourable Mention

Evelyn Atkins: Retired Bank Manager. Inaugural Chairman, Instrumental in early funding and obtaining permission for the land use. Instrumental in getting us all together.